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Text reference work on the subject "History of Economics" RIU
Task 1
Question 1. What is the difference periods primitive age?
1. Housing;
2. The instrument of labor;
3. terrain;
4. climatic conditions;
5. The use of different cereals.
Question 2. What is the main tribe refers to the Slavic tribes who lived between the Volga and the Oka?
1. Korely;
2. Croatia;
3. Permian;
4. northerners;
5. Prussia.
Question 3. What refers to economic activities in the ancient first millennium AD?
1. The collection of honey;
2. Hunt;
3. cattle;
4. agriculture;
5. All of the above.
Question 4: What are the conditions for the transition to the tribal community?
1. climate change;
2. The emergence of domestic animals;
3. The development of new forms of production;
4. The conquest of new lands;
5. intermarriage.
Question 5: What is the essence of tribal community?
1. military relations;
2. dealings;
3. The use of weapons;
4. The change of the form of property;
5. The merger forms of labor and the emergence of a family.
Task №2
Question 1. What is the name of settlements clan?
1. Village;
2. yard;
3. manor;
4. the world;
5. put.
Question 2. What characterized the independent peasant communities?
1. Notwithstanding the princes and boyars;
2. servitude;
3. Election of the prince;
4. The free acquisition of weapons;
5. The conquest of land.
Question 3. What is "bathe" in Russia in the eleventh century.?
1. The conclusion of the service of the Prince;
2. The availability of personal weapons;
3. Grounding the site;
4. indefinite service;
5. The duty of the impoverished peasants.
Question 4: What was the dominant system of industrial relations in Kievan Rus?
1. Community;
2. feudalism;
3. Patriarchate;
4. slavery;
5. neither said.
Question 5. What was multistructural Ancient Russia?
1. The existence of slavery along with feudalism;
2. The existence of primitive feudalism along with relationships;
3. The existence along with feudalism patriarchal relations;
4. All of the above;
5. None of the above features.
Task number 3
Question 1: What was the name of tribute collection in Kievan Rus?
1. gender;
2. debt;
3. rent;
4. Chamber;
5. polyude.
Question 2: Who belongs to the group "serfs" in the Old Russian state?
1. outcasts;
2. The bulk of the population, dependent on princes;
3. orphans;
4. crippled;
5. All the above.
Question 3. What is the "Russian Truth"?
1. The first Russian newspaper;
2. Military anthem;
3. The most important body of law in ancient Russia;
4. Debt Book;
5. The holy book.
Question 4. When the "Russian Truth"?
1. in the 6th century;
2. under Yaroslav the Wise in the 11th century .;
3. In 988 Prince Vladimir;
4. The date to be determined;
5. tentatively 12-13vv.
Question 5. Who collects debts in Kievan Rus?
1. Armorer;
2. goldsmith;
3. prince driveway;
4. gunsmith;
5. All the above.
Task number 4
Question 1. What applies to the form of money in the Old Russian state?
1 ruble;
2. hryvnia;
3. poltina;
4. quarter;
5. All the above.
Question 2. What is one of the main causes of feudal fragmentation in Russia?
1. differences in language;
2. The division of the land among the heirs of Yaroslav the Wise;
3. The national strife;
4. The influence of other nations;
5. raids nomads.
Question 3. Which of the principalities of the most intensive in the process of socio-economic development of Kievan Rus after the invasion of Batu?
1. Vladimir-Suzdal;
2. Murom-Ryazan;
3. Galicia-Volyn;
4. Chernihiv-Seversky;
5. All of the above.
Question 4. In what industry the fastest recovery of production occurred in the 13-15 centuries. in Russia?
1. in craftsmanship;
2. in agr

Additional information

Task number 4
Question 1. What applies to the form of money in the Old Russian state?
1 ruble;
2. hryvnia;
3. poltina;
4. quarter;
5. All the above.
Question 2. What is one of the main causes of feudal fragmentation in Russia?
1. differences in language;
2. The division of the land among the heirs of Yaroslav the Wise;
3. The national strife;
4. The influence of other nations;
5. raids nomads.
Question 3. Which of the principalities of the most intensive in the process of socio-economic development of Kievan Rus after the invasion of Batu?
1. Vladimir-Suzdal;
2. Murom-Ryazan;
3. Galicia-Volyn;
4. Chernihiv-Seversky;
5. All of the above.
Question 4. In what industry the fastest recovery of production occurred in the 13-15 centuries. in Russia?
1. in craftsmanship;
2. in agriculture;
3. in the arms business;
4. to trade;
5. in any of these industries.
Question 5. What is the "patrimony" in the 14th century in Russia?
1. The annual tribute;
2. file a coachman;
3. Ratna apply;
4. The land belonged to the feudal lord;
5. The administrative unit.
Setting №5
Question 1. What is the process of development of new lands in 14-15 centuries in Russia?
1. as a result of peasant colonization;
2. by Tsar;
3. At the invitation of the feudal lords;
4. due to mixing with other nations;
5. as a result of military action.
Question 2. What creates favorable conditions for the development of cities in Russia in 13-15 centuries?
1. The distribution of land to the peasants;
2. The return of land for military service;
3. The rise of agriculture in general;
4. the donation of land to people princes;
5. None of the above factors.
Question 3: Who are the "black artisans"?
1. The sovereign's officials;
2. The tax collectors;
3. The new class war;
4. The population of the cities, carrying obligations in favor of the state;
5. landless peasants.
Question 4. What accelerated the establishment of national independence in Russia?
1. presence of external danger from the west;
2. The need to fight for the overthrow of the yoke of the Golden Horde;
3. The presence of an external threat from the east;
4. all of these reasons;
5. none of these reasons.
Question 5. Which of these organizations existed in Russia in 13-15 centuries?
1. shop;
2. Guild;
3. other professional organizations;
4. elective industrial organizations;
5. None of the above.
Setting the number 6
Question 1. Which of the following did the title for the peasants Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich - the first Russian tsar of the Romanov dynasty?
1. The exemption;
2. further enslavement;
3. facilitating life;
4. The reduction of the term spying runaway;
5. The gift of land.
Question 2. What type of land tenure was formed in Siberia as a result of the influx of Russian population in the XVII century?
1. The landlord;
2. patrimonial;
3. feudal;
4. primitive;
5. None of the above.
Question 3: What was the main instrument of labor in agriculture in Russia in the 17th century?
1. plow;
2. plow;
3. harrow;
4. sickle;
5. All of the above.
Question 4: How many cities in Russia, there were the end of the 17th century?
1. at least 100;
2. at least 300;
3. no more than 10;
4. has not been;
5. 1000.
Question 5. When the simple commodity production becomes capitalist?
1. commodity production is shrinking;
2. labor becomes a commodity;
3. developing serfdom;
4. The production of commodities is canceled;
5. All the above factors.
Target number 7
Question 1. In which century the first state-owned factory in Russia?
1. 15 in .;
2. 14 in .;
3. did not exist;
4. 16 in .;
5. Only in the 17th century.
Question 2. What are the manufactory called "possessional"?
1. Only smelting;
2. The only weapon;


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