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Task 1.
1. The author of the program 500 days to overcome the crisis of the Soviet Union was
A) Gaidar ET
B) Ryzhkov II
C) AN Yakovlev
D) Yavlinsky GA
2. Which of the authorities called higher after the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly?
A) Central Executive Committee.
B) The Council of People's Commissars.
C) All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies.
D) All-Russian Extraordinary Commission.
3. What are the main provisions of the Code of Laws on Marriage, Family and Guardianship of the RSFSR, utverzhden¬nom November 19, 1926?
A) accept a civil registration of marriage, it was equal to the actual marriage. The marriage age for both sexes has been set to 18 years. Restored community of marital property. Eliminates the judicial procedure of divorce. Usy¬novlenie forbidden.
B) In some ways, the actual marriage was equivalent to a registered. Brach¬ny age of women increased to 18 years. Eliminates a divorce through the courts. Mr recognized religious marriage. Remained cancellation of community property between spouses.
C) The actual marriage was equivalent in some respects to the register. Brach¬ny age of women increased to 18 years. Rehabilitated Institute of adoption and common property of the spouses. Eliminates the judicial procedure of divorce. Church marriage is not recognized.
D) accept a form of civil marriage, which equates to an actual marriage. It restores the right of adoption and a community of marital property. The marriage age for women was increased to 18 years. In the presence of children was required only po¬ryadok judicial divorce.
4. The first People's Commissar for Nationalities was
A) GK Ordzhonikidze
B) Dzhugashvili IV
C) Yakov Sverdlov
D) Shaumyan SI
5. The Commission on military reform in the Soviet Union in 1924 - 1925. headed
A) L. Trotsky D
B) MV Frunze
C) KE Voroshilov
D) Tukhachevskiy MI
Task 2.
1. Who are the chairmen of the Central Executive Committee agreed to the transformation of the Soviet government with the inclusion of a homogeneous socialist Socialist-Revolutionaries and the Mensheviks?
A) Kalinin MI
B) LB Kamenev
C) Rykov AI
D), Bukharin NI
2. Alternative election of a new higher authority - the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR for the first time took place in
A) In April 1985,
B) In March 1989,
C) in March 1986.
D) In \u200b\u200bAugust 1991,
3. Stalin proclaimed the new Constitution of the USSR supreme authority - the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Which authority actually concentrated all power in the USSR?
B) of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b).
C) The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
D) People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR.
4. What was the law on the elections according to the Constitution of the RSFSR in 1918?
A) The representatives of the exploiting classes have been disenfranchised. Right iz¬birat got all adult citizens. Voters chose deputies of local councils, and those deputies higher. The vote was secret.
B) All non-working elements were deprived of electoral rights. The rate of representation of the peasants was 5 times lower than that of the workers. Voting was open. Direct elections were only in town and village councils and their deputies are elected have higher council which is elected respective executive committees.
C) The elections were held on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot.
D) unearned elements were deprived of the right to vote. For the workers and peasants predstavi¬telstva rate was the same. They are directly involved in the elections and local and vy¬shestoyaschih Soviets.
5. doctors arrested in the case were charged
A) poisoning Gorky and his son.
B) poisoning Zhdanov, AS Shcherbakov, due to the Zionist organization Joint and Western intelligenc
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