How to become desirable - the behavior of a strong man

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Content: Как_стать_желанным_-_поведение_сильного_мужчины.PDF 1437,9 kB

Product description

The happiness of a man largely depends on whether he knows how to put himself in society and whether he can get himself a better woman who would love him madly and would. And all this can be achieved by developing leadership qualities and adopting a strong model of behavior.

In this book, the author describes the principles of a strong man who is successful in communicating with other people, has success in communicating with women and achieves success in his life. This is a guide for men who want to adopt the model of the behavior of alpha males and take control of their lives.

The author of the book has passed a way from the insecure man, who because of his timidity and indecision failed in communication with women, to a man who began to attract real beauties.

"Development of a strong character is one of the most important tasks in life, for which every man must take. As soon as I focused on improving certain aspects of my character, I began to notice the changes in my life. I noticed a clear connection between how I behave and what women I attract! "


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