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How to find yourself and Authentic Self-Fulfillment
Content: Samorealizaciya_книга.pdf 7391,73 kB
Product description
The book´s title is "How to Save Years of Your Life to Achieve Authentic Self-Fulfillment. "
I´ve been looking for a self-determination and self-fulfillment program for a long time. For the last ten years -actively, and ten previous years – at the back of my mind. To have a clear step-by-step guide. For everything to be in order. To finally find out what I really want instead of having vague ideas about it. To understand how to combine seemingly incompatible interests and how to prioritize the main one. To understand what kind of person I am and what abilities I have. To determine, at least roughly, how to implement it all.
But I couldn´t find a manual like that. All I found was very scattered information.
Eventually, I wrote down all the most effective and working self-determination and self-fulfillment techniques that I found. First of all, to not forget them, and, second of all, for other people who could use them.
This book is a concentrated sequence of steps for self-determination and self-fulfillment.
All the materials described are intended for those who don´t know what they want and those who do know but struggle to implement it.
The book is useful for those who want to: find what they love; to find the best use for their abilities; understand what they would like to do, what they really want to do in life, what their talents are, and what prevents them from realizing their potential; move to a new level of professional development; find an interesting and exciting occupation; understand how to enjoy life.
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