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How to open a money channel. The legacy of our ancestors. Xenia Lena.
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Uploaded: 23.03.2007
Content: dengi.exe 475,62 kB
Product description
In order to increase their income, improve trade, and financial well-being, it is not necessary to be super successful, intelligent and enterprising as Bill Gates. Everything is much easier, you just need to open your cash channel.
Everything you will find in my book not invented by me - a legacy of our ancestors: the elements of Feng Shui, psychology, simple magic rituals and incantations. There are several unique magical rituals - Russian witch recipes written in ancient languages \u200b\u200bsuch as Sanskrit, of a very old book.
It's very simple, accessible to the common man and applicable in the most simple home, no recipes using, for example, "to go to the cemetery to make it so and so" or, say "take a left foot frog, etc." You It will need a compass, a lunar calendar and the most basic items such as paper and pen. Lunar Calendar will find in my book. Move furniture on Feng Shui, I do not propose. Magic rituals are white magic and white magic is aimed at the good and you will not bring harm.
Additional information
And so you better understand how to influence our thoughts and words on the environment and we generally recommend that you read the article "The Mystery of Water", located on http://www.taina-vodu1.narod.ru. This research scientists from many countries of the world, the results are very interesting experiments Emoto Japanese scientist Masaru. There you will find simple, proven ways of magic, and recipes.
In the book of 5 sections:
1.Denezhnye secrets and conspiracies.
2.Magiya for trade, business and career, as well as for job search.
3.Ustranenie obstacles. Return of duties, to improve relations with the chief, to successfully pass the certification, the trek to the official.
4. The lunar calendar for 2007.
5. The old recipes of the Russian witch.
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