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How to sell file
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Uploaded: 13.03.2016
Content: Kak_prodat_file.pdf 9743,8 kB
Product description
If you want to sell their own files, but do not know how to do it - it´s textbook can be useful to you. It describes the registration service through which an individual, not even having your site, can realize the sale of their own files through the Internet. It will be particularly useful for those who have difficulty in completing the registration forms in a variety of services. This manual provides step by step instructions to register for the service, allows you to sell the files. These step by step instructions are accompanied by copies of the picture-screen. Detailed account of how and why it should be completed, or another field. I believe that this manual will greatly save your time spent on the implementation of your plan to sell the files.
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1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
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