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I would die or night in a million
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Uploaded: 01.04.2011
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Product description
"I would die or night in a million" - not a fictional story that can really change your outlook on life and acting in her power. In writing this book I wanted to avoid hypocrisy, so some scenes may too frank. In this regard, the book is not recommended for persons under 16 and too impressionable people. However, it seems to me that the book would lose its living truthfulness if it smooth the rough edges. Because I forgive my imperfections.
In one of the lines of the book describes the real story of exorcism - a supernatural release from seven demons.
Usually the child; ordinary young people; routine experimentation with tobacco, alcohol, drugs, gambling. The first sexual experience. Manhood, trying to build their lives. The usual loss of self control. Common chronic alcoholism, against which strange supernatural things happening. The devastation, despair and the cold breath of death ... unexpected sobering at the edge of the grave. Open the doors of hell and heaven opened. The unusual battle between life and death. Confrontation demons and angels. Unusual exemption from alcohol, tobacco, drug, sex and gambling addictions. The real story of life. An unusual book.
Your son often comes with the smell of fume? Your loved one smokes marijuana? Your friend uses hard drugs? Read this book if you're not faint of heart. You may be able to better understand what is happening with your child or someone you know drugom.Vozmozhno you will understand how you have and where to seek help.
The book was created in protected format ExeBook, a key and a note from the author for the convenience packed in WinRAR archive. Entering a password is not required.
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