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IE RFEI audit. Fundamentals 150 audit questions.
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Final exam RFEI audit. Fundamentals 150 audit questions. The rating is excellent!
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Questions for verification:
1. Prerequisites for the emergence of the audit in the 3rd century BC served:
a) the appearance of the first states;
b) the emergence of religions and religious movements;
c) the development and deepening of knowledge on crops and livestock.
69. When an error is detected, the auditor should:
a) request the correction of errors;
b) terminate the contract for the audit;
c) to change the program audit.
75. Audit risk is a:
a) the risk of the auditor to make a mistake in the calculations;
b) the risk of improper issuance of the auditor's report;
c) the risk of an audit firm earn less profit.
94. The overall audit plan include:
a) A list of audit procedures;
b) the expected volume of the audit;
c) the conclusion of the contract.
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