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IE RFEI Commercial Law 70 questions Assessment 5
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Product description
Final exam RFEI "Commercial Law" .This answers to 70 questions. Blank with all questions of the test attached.
Rated 5.
A few questions:
1. Which of the following does not apply to business signs?
a) independence;
b) the conduct of business at their own risk;
c) focus on the systematic profit;
d) full financial responsibility.
2. What are the responsibilities provided for illegally doing business?
a) an administrative fine of 500 to 2,000 rubles;
b) a fine of up to 300,000 rubles, or correctional labor for a term of 180 to 240 hours;
c) criminal liability in the form of arrest for a period of 4 to 6 months;
d) all of the above (a specific measure of responsibility is established on the basis of the gravity of the offense).
3. What is the size of the state duty for the registration of an individual entrepreneur?
a) 200 rubles;
b) 400 rubles;
c) 1000 rubles;
d) 2000 rubles.
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