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IMEI Geopolitics test 9 quests for 5 questions score 5
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Question 1. What is geopolitics?
1. It is a science that studies a complex of geographic, historical, political factors affecting the potential of the state;
2. it is a science, a system of knowledge about control over space;
3. This is a doctrine that treats the state as a geographical organism.
Question 2. Is it true that geopolitics has not become a real instrument for changing the world and does not serve as a key to forecasting the policies of the leading countries?
1. Yes;
2. None.
Question 3. Which of the following does NOT relate to the scientific approach on the basis of which geopolitics could not arise?
1. Civilized;
2. military-strategic;
3. Theories of geographical determinism;
4. Historical.
Question 4. Who is considered the founder of the civilizational approach to the historical process?
1. American naval theorist, historian Alfred Machen (1840-1914 gg.);
2. Russian scientist N.Ya. Danilevsky (1822-1885 gg.);
3. Professor of Geography, University of London Henry Thomas Bockle.
Question 5. What is the object of geopolitics as a science?
1. Planetary space, geopolitical processes and phenomena in the world community as a system;
2. the study of states in their relation to space;
3. Dynamics of historical development of states and their mutual relations.
Assignment 2.
Question 1. What geopolitical era has changed the world, which has become bipolar from the multipolar one?
1. The Vienna era;
2. The Versailles era;
3. The Potsdam era;
4. The Belovezhskaya epoch.
Question 2. Which method, used by geopolitics, is focused on studying the dependence of the behavior of individuals or groups on their inclusion in more global communities?
1. The system method;
2. the comparative method;
3. activity method;
4. functional method;
5. Institutional method.
Question 3. What function of geopolitics is connected with the study of trends in the geopolitical development of countries and peoples, with the study of various phenomena, processes, events?
1. Prognostic;
2. Management;
3. cognitive;
4. The ideological.
Question 4. Is it true that as a result of the existing unipolar world after the destruction of the collective security system of the countries of Eastern Europe, the ideological side of the geopolitical function has intensified?
1. Yes;
2. None.
Question 5. Who is considered the "father" of geopolitics, in the system of views of which are the ideas of evolutionism and Darwinism?
1. German scientist Friedrich Ratzel;
2. Swedish geopolitician Rudolf Challain;
3. English scientist - geopolitician Helford Mackinder;
4. American Admiral Alfred T. Machen.
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