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IMEI Logic Test work 14 questions
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Product description
Control work on the discipline "Logic".
Question 1. What are the differences between thinking and sensory cognition?
Question 2. What are the stages of the cognition process?
Question 3. Describe the basic forms and features of abstract thinking.
Question 4. The main functions of natural and artificial languages.
Question 5. What does formal, dialectical logic study?
Question 6. Basic forms of abstract thinking?
Question 7. Types of concepts and relations between them?
Question 8. Operations of generalization and limitation. Division of concepts.
Question 9. Judgments - general characteristics, types, composition.
Question 10. List the basic laws of thinking.
Question 11. Give a brief description of deductive reasoning and other types of conclusions.
Question 12. Describe the types of modality and their main categories.
Question 13. Elements of proving reasoning, a brief description of them.
Question 14. Hypotheses their construction and stages of verification.
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