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In 1993, the Krylov family received ownership
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Uploaded: 29.10.2019
Content: S19-223.docx 19,2 kB
Product description
In 1993, the Krylov family received ownership of land for the construction of a summer cottage complex of four houses in the village of Baranovo, Novgorod Region. In the same 1993 they began the preparation of the territory, construction work, and the construction of an access road. 45 thousand rubles were spent on all these works.
In February 1994, according to the decree of the administration of the Novgorod region, the land plots were seized and provided to ROAO High-Speed Railways (ROAO VSM), which carries out the design and expert work necessary for the construction of the high-speed railway St. Petersburg - Moscow. The head of the family filed a complaint with the administration, after which the RCM “SCM” undertook to indemnify in full.
However, without waiting for damages, the Krylov family in late 1998 appealed to the Novgorod District Court to recover damages associated with the seizure of land. The statement of claim was enclosed with the resolution of the district administration, documents confirming the facts of the costs incurred, and, in addition, the letter of the RCJSC “SCM”, in which the defendant confirmed his obligations regarding compensation for losses and proposed to conclude an agreement on compensation for losses and lost profits after certain works that were planned for the 2-3 quarter of 1994. But, since the work did not begin, the contract was not concluded.
The defendant did not recognize the lawsuit in court, citing the fact that the contract proposed in the letter did not take place due to the fault of the Krylovs themselves, and therefore the amount of compensation was not determined, and the terms of the administration did not indicate the terms for damages. In addition, according to the defendant, the plaintiff missed the limitation period.
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