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In PAMIRS demolition of the roof (Sukhov, Leila, Gyulch
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Uploaded: 18.02.2016
Content: шедевр.doc 1176 kB
Product description
Adventurous erotic variation with elements of psychological analysis on the famous movie.
Brigadier truckers Sukhov rides caravans with cotton from the Pamirs. According to excite partner "vtyuhivayut" him instead of money two young slaves. Everything else, sober, he was horrified to learn that his slave - ognepoklonnitsy. Send back the girls can not - in the Pamirs is a war, and forced to take Sukhov slaves in flight. Suddenly local thugs begin pursuit of a caravan, and girls rescued Sukhov and its people. A little later, the persecution continues to have Russian lads. Sukhov does not understand anything. Gradually, he became more entangled in its relations with slaves. Action at the customs office, which does not give the nod to the slave trade, fighting with his mistress Britney, concurrently general plechevkoy, on the banks of the Karakum Canal, the battle in the Uzbek village, thinking about life in the Cossack village, fighting in the Russian countryside. Bandits get their way. Sukhov, waking up in the hospital, begins to search for her has either slaves, or nalozhnits.Neozhidanno he falls in love with her countrywoman - a young weaver. Tajik women, but the search continues. When found, the relationship of the now four more entangled. Heppiend - Sukhov, changing their civil status - the girls are pregnant, preparing to Pamir another caravan. Who will lead, he himself, his assistant Petro, silt experienced Britney?
Additional information
M.Lisin declares itself as the creator of a new genre of prose, avanter. This symbiosis of an adventure story, erotica on the brink of a foul, and the psychological analysis of the characters´ behavior. the first novel in the style of avanter "Kira Light Vorkuta..." - published in 2014 in the city of Ivanovo, in the State Unitary Enterprise "Publishing House Ivanovo"
prepared for printing three novel style avanter
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