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Increasing the competitiveness of JSC Niva Pavlogradski
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Product description
Increasing the competitiveness of JSC Niva, Pavlogradsky district, Omsk region
Introduction 3
Chapter 1 Theoretical Foundations of Enterprise Competitiveness 7
1.1. Competitive advantages of the enterprise as a factor of competitive struggle 7
1.2. Institutional transformation of the Russian economy and the competitive advantages of domestic agricultural enterprises 13
1.3. Methodological approaches to assessing the competitive advantage of enterprises in a changing economy 18
Chapter 2 Competitiveness Analysis of JSC Niva, Pavlogradsky District, Omsk Region 25
2.1. Organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise 25
2.2. Assessment of the influence of factors of the internal and external environment on the formation of the competitive advantages of the enterprise 36
2.3. Assessment of the competitive advantages of JSC Niva, Pavlogradskiy district, Omsk region 42
Chapter 3 Main directions of development of competitive advantages of JSC Niva, Pavlogradskiy district of Omsk region 57
3.1. Ways of increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise 57
3.2. Assessment of the economic effect of the proposed measures 68
Conclusion 71
List of sources used 76
Additional information
attached report, abstract, handouts, presentation. All turnkey)
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