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Influence of drawing techniques on the aggressiveness
Content: Диплом влияние техник рисования на агрессивность школьников с умственной отсталостью 62%.rar 199,02 kB
Product description
Introduction ........................................................................................ 3
Chapter I. Theoretical aspects of the influence of non-traditional painting techniques on the level of aggressiveness of children of primary school age with an easy degree of mental retardation.
1.1. The study of the problem of the aggressiveness of children in the works of domestic and foreign authors ........................................................................ .6
1.2. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of young children with mild mental retardation ............................................. .. 12
1.3. Features of manifestation of aggressiveness in children of primary school age with an easy degree of mental retardation ................................. 17
1.4. The influence of non-traditional drawing techniques on reducing the level of aggression in children of primary school age with a slight degree of mental retardation
Conclusions ....................................................................................... .. 27
Chapter II. An empirical study on the problem of reducing aggressiveness with the use of unconventional techniques for drawing children of primary school age with a slight degree of mental retardation
2.1. Organization of a psychological experiment ........................... .. ... ..28
2.2. The results of the ascertaining stage of the study ........................... .30
2.3. The content of experimental work on the correction of aggression
junior schoolchildren with mild degree of mental retardation .................................................................................... .36
2.4. The results of experimental work .......................................... 40
Conclusions ....................................................................................... .45
Conclusion .................................................................................... 48
References ........................................................................ .51
Annexes ................................................................................. .56
Additional information
Chapter II. An empirical study on the problem of reducing aggressiveness with the use of unconventional techniques for drawing children of primary school age with a slight degree of mental retardation
2.1. Organization of a psychological experiment ........................... .. ... ..28
2.2. The results of the ascertaining stage of the study ........................... .30
2.3. The content of experimental work on the correction of aggression
junior schoolchildren with mild degree of mental retardation .................................................................................... .36
2.4. The results of experimental work .......................................... 40
Conclusions ....................................................................................... .45
Conclusion .................................................................................... 48
References ........................................................................ .51
Annexes ................................................................................. .56
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