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Information Law
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Uploaded: 28.11.2013
Content: 761164_j5201r2317s4354s3290x4515f4256x2373.rar 107,18 kB
Product description
1. The special system of inter-bank organizations engaged in non-cash payments on checks and other payment documents by offsetting mutual claims is
2. Request from the point of plastic cards (point of sale or point of enterprise trade cash) to the authorization center, the purpose of which is to obtain a response from the authorization center, comprising enable or disable the execution of the transaction using the card is
3. Information is the property of
4. The right to information as property
5. According to the Okinawa Charter on Global Information Society on July 22, 2000 Information and Communication Technology (IT) is one of the most important factors influencing the formation of:
6. Everyone has the right freely
7. Freedom of the media
8. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation Censorship
9. According to the Civil Code relate to information
10. The basic law in the field of circulation of information, informatization and protection of information is a
11. Information Code of the Russian Federation
12. Data on persons, objects, facts, events, phenomena and processes regardless of their presentation is
13. Organizing socio-economic and scientific-technical process of creating the optimal conditions to meet the information needs and rights on the basis of the formation and use of information resources is
14. Individual documents and individual document files, documents and files of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, databanks, other informational systems) is
15. The process of collecting, processing, accumulation, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information is
16. Information on the facts, events and circumstances of life of the citizen, enabling the identification of his personality is
17. Organizational ordered set of documents (document files) and information technology is
18. fixed on a material bearer with requisites allowing to identify it
19. Documented information, access to which is limited
20. The subject, fully realizing the powers of possession, use and disposal of information is
21. An entity that accesses the information system or intermediary to get needed information and uses it is
22. State policy in the sphere of formation of information resources and information aimed at creating conditions for
23. The legal regime of information resources is determined by rules that establish (tick wrong)
24. Document information
25. A document obtained from the automated information system becomes valid
26. Legal validity of the document, stored, processed and transmitted by means of automated information and telecommunication systems, can be confirmed
27. Relations regarding the ownership of regulated information resources
30. Individuals and legal entities are the owners of the documents, document files that
55. Information theory is
56. means of electronic digital signature is
57. Slip it
58. The certificate of electronic digital signature (mark all correct variants)
59. The document on paper or electronic document with the electronic digital signature of the authorized person of the certifying center is
60. The Web server is
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