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Information Technology Management test items
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Product description
Collection of test tasks on discipline "Information Technology Management"
Question 1. Management Information System - ...
1. The collection of data, of economic and mathematical methods and models, technical, software and other technological tools and professionals, designed for information processing and decision-making upravlenche-ray
2. complex computer network
3. The set of special mathematical and economic methods
4. Data Bank
5. no right answer
Item 2. Management Information System should address current challenges ...
1. Strategic Planning
2. tactical planning
3. Accounting
4. Operational management of the company
5. All of the above
Question 3. Information management systems allow you to:
1. improve the level of informed decision-making at the expense of operational data collection, transmission and processing of information;
2. Ensure the timely management decision-making organization in the conditions of market economy;
3. pursue efficiency gains control by the timely submission of the necessary information managers at all levels of management from a single information collection;
4. coordinate the decisions taken at the various levels of government and different departments-s; by awareness of managerial staff of the current state;
5. All of the above
Question 4. The main features of the classification of automated information systems NE-lyayutsya:
1. The level of the public administration system;
2. The area of \u200b\u200boperation of the entity;
3. The types of management processes;
4. The degree of automation of information processes
5. All of the above
Question 5. In accordance with a feature of the classification of the level of government automated information systems, bathrooms are divided into ...
1. The federal and territorial (regional) and municipal
2. simple and complex
3. Linear and nonlinear
4. The local and global
5. no right answer
Task 2.
Question 1. IP federal ...
1. solve the problem of information services unit administration and functioning in all regions of the country
2. designed to solve the problems of information management administrative-territorial entities located in a particular area.
3. function in local government for information service specialists and OJEC-baking treatment of the economic, social, and economic forecasts, local budgets, control and regu-lation activities of all of the social and economic areas of the city, the administrative district
4. All the answers are correct
5. no right answer
Question 2. IP process control ...
1. designed to solve the problems of information management administrative-territorial entities located in a particular area.
2. operate in local government for information service specialists and OJEC-baking treatment of the economic, social, and economic forecasts, local budgets, control and regu-lation activities of all of the social and economic areas of the city, the administrative district
3. designed to automate various processes (flexible manufacturing processes, energy and so on. D.).
4. represent a multi-level, hierarchical systems, which combine control IC technolo-cal processes and control IC enterprises
5. All the answers are correct
Question 3. Integrated IS ...
1. designed to automate all the functions of management of the company, covering the entire cycle of operation of the entity: from scientific research, design, manufacture, production, marketing of products to the analysis of the product.
2. used to automate all the functions of management of the company or corporation having territorial fragmentation between departments, subsidiaries, affiliates, offices, etc.
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