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Innovation management tests RIU TANTAL MEI
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Product description
Text control work
on the subject "Innovation Management" RIU
The final score 5
Task 1.
Question 1. What is the object of innovation management?
1. The groups of workers;
2. innovation processes in all their diversity, carried out in all areas of the economy;
3. The financial flows of the company;
4. innovations;
5. indicators of production efficiency.
Question 2. Specify aspects of innovation management.
1. The science and art of innovation management;
2. The type of activity and the process of management decision making in innovation;
3. The apparatus of innovation management;
4. Return all of the above answers;
5. Return 1 and 2 replies.
Question 3. What are the stages of development characteristic of the innovation management?
1. factorial approach and functional concept;
2. systemic approach;
3. Factor and systematic approaches;
4. The functional concept and systematic approach;
5. Factor, system, situational approaches and functional concept;
Question 4: What are the components of the factors of scientific and technical potential of the innovation process.
1. The material and technical base, personnel of science,
2. Information funds;
3. footage of Science;
4. scientific equipment;
5. All of the above.
Question 5. What determines the vertical division of labor management?
1. from the industry sector;
2. the organizational and legal forms of organization of the innovation process;
3. the scale of innovation activities, the nature of innovation and industry sector;
4. The hierarchical structure of the innovation process;
5. The functions of innovation management.
Task 2.
Question 1. Which hierarchical levels of management can be divided innovative process?
1. The upper, middle;
2. a first level;
3. The highest and third tier;
4. The upper, middle and lower;
5. Return 1 and 2 replies.
Question 2. What is the main target to innovation management?
1. The selection and placement of personnel;
2. ensure effective use of the innovation process;
3. harmonization;
4. The construction of the organizational structure;
5. The development of a strategic innovation strategy.
Question 3. Describe the main problem to be solved by exogenous harmonization of innovation management.
planning and implementation of production processes
1. innovative products;
2. The formation of the long- and short-term goals of innovation;
3. consideration of the environmental situation;
4. based on consumer demand and objective tendencies of STP;
5. Return 2,3,4 answers.
Question 4. Highlight activities procedural functions of innovation management.
1. The delegation and motivation;
2. The decisions and communications;
3. delegation and communication;
4. planning;
5. organization and control.
Question 5. What are the signs used in the systematization and classification of the organization of innovative processes?
1. The forms of specialization, concentration;
2. ways of organizing;
3. The objectives of the organization, forms and methods of organization;
4. The combination and objectives of the organization;
5. The forms of organizational structures.
Task 3.
Question 1. What is development?
1. The regular change of matter;
2. The directional change of matter;
3. targeted and regular change of matter and consciousness;
4. permanent, targeted and regular change of matter and consciousness;
5. permanent and regular change of matter and consciousness.
Question 2. What are the different forms of development?
1. Revolutionary and koadaptsionnaya;
2. evolutionary;
3. The revolutionary and evolutionary;
4. The co-evolutionary and revolutionary;
5. evolutionary, revolutionary, and coevolutionary koadaptsionnaya.
Question 3. Which of the forms of development is not progressive?
1. The co-evolutionary;
2. revolution
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