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Intellectual Property Law 2014 OYUI
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Responses to test the Open Law Institute on the subject of intellectual property rights are in the file for the program exel Test Client.
Answer format: question -> write the number of the correct answer and the correct answer is written himself. The best format, the passage takes 10 minutes!
Answers to tests OYUI latest, guarantee 100% of the results of the test to assess the 5.
The questions in the test:
The concept of ´´ intellectual property ´´ includes:
The assignment of the right to obtain a patent is:
Creating works of science, culture and art in the service order entails the emergence of exclusive rights under the law:
Can the author of an invention, utility model or industrial design to yield a natural or legal person the exclusive right to their stage of its design:
Derivative methods include:
Granting exclusive rights occur:
The transfer of exclusive rights shall be:
Transition exclusive rights is carried out:
The concept of "civil-legal forms of intellectual property" includes:
The transfer of exclusive rights may be made out:
Can the object of intellectual property or know-how to be a contribution to the assets of the economic partnerships and companies:
Copyright active:
Sources of copyright:
Copyright is:
Business customs:
If an international treaty to which the Russian Federation stipulates other rules than those established by civil legislation, are applied:
The scope of copyright depends on:
The subjects of the copyright may be:
The origin and exercise of copyright:
The subjects of the copyright may be:
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