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International law test answers online, 165 vopr
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Product description
International law, online test answers 165 questions, evaluation 5.
Exercise 1.
Study chapter 1 of the Manual.
Choose the correct answer and mark the answers on the form.
Question 1: How to govern the relations primitive communities and nations?
1. customs;
2. unwritten laws;
3. traditions;
4. kinship;
5. The authority of the chiefs.
Question 2. When originated the first international legal customs?
Additional information
Question 3. What do you call a number of norms of international law?
1. installation;
2. rules;
3. institutions;
4. Principles;
5. rules.
Question 4. How can an agreement be subjects of international law with respect to international law?
1. The explicit or tacit;
2. secret;
3. hidden;
4. diplomatic;
5. treaty.
Question 5. What is the explicit agreement of subjects
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