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ISMM Examination CDPF Option 1
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Option 1
Objective 1
As of 01.01.05 OJSC "Bank" Revival "had balances due from credit institutions in the amount of 1,003,676 thousand. Rub., Including the following banks (conventional example):
Table. 1. Amounts due from credit institutions
Borrower Date of issue Maturity date Interest rate,% Book value at 01.01.05, ths. Rub.
JSC "Bank First" 01.01.02 01.01.07 6.5% 3500
OJSC "Bank second" 01.01.01 01.07.07 8.0% 5000
OJSC "Bank Third" 01.01.02 01.01.06 500 6.0%
Total 9000
Source: Bank
You want to calculate, as of 01.01.05, the market value of the funds deposited in these credit institutions, with the following data:
1. The interest payments on the loans is paid annually;
2. repayment of principal is carried out at the end of the term of the loan;
3. The average market rate for similar loans is 10%.
Task 2
Determine the cash flow going to increase (decrease) in the balance of the commercial banks in the first forecast period based on the following data.
Table. 2. Baseline
№ p / p Indicators Reporting date 01.01.2005 Period of forecast
1 Return on equity ROE 0,13 0,13
2 Use of assets (asset turnover) 0.15 0.15
3 multiplier capital (leverage) 12.3 12.3
4 Profit margin 0.07 0.07
Total revenue, ths. Rub. 12000
Total assets, th. Rubles. 90 000
Equity, ths. Rub. 7317
Liabilities, ths. Rub. 82683
Control questions:
1. Describe the main features of the activities of financial institutions and their evaluation.
2. Describe the spread model of constructing the cash flow of a commercial bank, specify its advantages and disadvantages.
3. Call estimates of multipliers used in a comparative approach to the valuation of a commercial bank, and the reasons for their use in this assessment.
0Period | |||
1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
0 | 0 | 0 | |
0 | 0 | 0 |