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Итоговый экзамен РФЭИ Управление персоналом 200 воп.
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Product description
Final exam RFEI "Personnel Management". Answers to 200 questions in a table.
A separate file containing all the questions. Here are the first four questions:
1. The system of material and spiritual values, adopted within the company and to exercise all
kollektiva- decisions and actions are:
a) corporate culture
b) theoretical orientation
c) motivation
d) all of the options are incorrect
2. Which figure does not taken into account when calculating the value of the workplace?
a) the average annual income of an employee applying for a vacancy
b) the annual amount of pay an employee of the enterprise
c) the full cost of the correction factor workplace wage
d) all of the options are incorrect
3. What is the production of a manual?
a) piece production
b) mass production
c) the process manufacturing
d) all of the options are incorrect
4.Zakon synergy reads:
a) the organization has properties that are common to all living beings,
b) the properties and capabilities of the organization as a single
the whole exceeds the sum of the properties and capabilities of its individual members;
c) every organization will sooner or later die;
d) all of the options are incorrect.
..... Etc.
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