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KMD - Steel vertical Tanks RVS200 warming
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Uploaded: 28.09.2015
Content: Резервуар - 200м3.rar 8518,98 kB

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Product description
Drawings brand KMD vertical steel tank PBC-200 Executive scheme. Drawings in editable format dwg. Composed hatches Light LS-500, manhole 600h900, stairs, guard Gr-1, guard OG-2, Plaschdaka PL-1, gaskets, shaft ladder body, heads, technical specifications, wiring diagram, bracket, heater Cr 2, a housing bottom, frame K1 Warming tank walls. Setting the customer.
Additional information
Capacity for the emergency reserve in case of fire hearths. Order brand KMD drawings, executed for sports camps, with connection to the fire-fighting pump.
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