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Kont.rab. An integrated economy. Analysis farms. Worker.
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Product description
1. What is meant by KEAHD?
2. The main types of classification of complex analysis of economic activities
3. What are the main features of the classification of reserves of increase of efficiency of economic activities.
4. What is a comprehensive market analysis?
5. The market capacity, market share.
6. Analysis of product and pricing policies of the organization.
7. Classification of the balance sheet.
8. What is meant by the financial condition of the company?
9. What are the indicators of efficiency of use of the company's capital. Methods of calculation and analysis.
10. What has been the effect of the acceleration of capital turnover?
11. How do you calculate the return on equity?
12. What methods exist for diagnosing the risk of bankruptcy and what is their point?
13. What is meant by the solvency of the company and how it is estimated based on the balance of liquidity and cash flow?
14. What is the effect of financial leverage?
15. What is the competitiveness of the products?
16. What are the indicators characterize the efficiency and intensity of use of the fixed assets and how they are calculated?
Additional information
Examination Comprehensive economic analysis of economic activities, rent, MEI
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