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Kutukov BN 1990 Task 4 variant 004
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Uploaded: 24.01.2024
Content: K4KOD004_idz_student_.pdf 54,91 kB
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Product description
For a given cross-section, consisting of a channel and an equilateral angle, or from an I-beam and an equilateral angle, or from a channel and an I-beam, it is required: 1) to determine the position of the center of gravity; 2) find the axial and centrifugal moments of inertia with respect to random axes passing through the center of gravity; 3) determine the direction of the main central axes; 4) find moments of inertia relative to the main central axes; 5) draw a section in the scale 1: 2.
DANI: I-bar No. 36; Corner number 125; 125 × 125 × 12. scheme 4
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