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Labor training lessons: 1 class. Teacher´s Guide.
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Uploaded: 13.07.2016
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Product description
labor training lessons: first class. Teacher´s Guide. A PDF file of the scanned as suitable for the printer and screen readers, as well as JPG files archive high-resolution (300 dpi). Links to download the archive directly. 151 mb.
Comp. IG Mayorov. - 2 nd ed and dop.- M .: Education, Moscow 1979 172, ill...
The manual gives methodical and practical recommendations for the implementation of labor training lessons in one class. It is composed -based years of experimental work. The second edition is significantly revised and supplemented. There are guidelines for working with "teaching materials, training for employment, Grade 1".
Writing aids equipped with illustrative tables and figures. 1st edition was published in 1973
Additional information
Programs that describe interesting jobs with crafts and theoretical studies. Colored tabs tables. JPG files are high resolution suitable for machine text recognition.
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