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Lake. You kill the Taimyr
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Uploaded: 08.12.2015
Content: Вадим Денисов - ОЗЕРО. Вас убивает Таймыр - 2003.fb2 2364,39 kB
Product description
Why not look for Noah´s Ark in the mountains of Putorana? Where the plane crashed "Mosquito" the US Army with a cargo of treasures to Beria in 1944? What are the prospects of bringing mankind indicator torsion field?
Trying to answer these questions, the heroes of sci-fi thriller enters a deadly fight for the welfare of Taimyr - the territory, which is considered their homeland.
Story thriving in the cities of Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk, Sochi, simultaneously offering the reader a lot of interesting popular scientific information.
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