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Learn any language 10 times more effectively with ChatG
Content: Выучи любой язык в 10 раз эффективнее с ChatGPT и другими LLM.rar 1919,5 kB
Product description
This guide will teach you:
- Connect to ChatGPT and other LLMs quickly and seamlessly;
- understand the logic of LLM functioning;
- it is productive to use LLM when learning foreign languages!
. How to access ChatGPT (if your region is blocked)
Foreign payment method
theoretical reasoning and my experience
is the best method
Verified VPN
The number for receiving SMS
Registering an account for ChatGPT 4
Let´s start registering in chatGPT
Access to ChatGPT 4 and Claude 2.1 via the website poe.com
1. A brief analysis of LLM (large language models)
Interaction with languages
Modern languages
A significant drawback when using the Russian language for commands is the example of Ancient Languages
System request
General provisions
David Shapiro´s Base Team
Emotionality as a way to achieve the best result from the model. How to store your queries in order to have quick access to them?
2. Basic query types
Generative operations
Situational dialogues
Playing a text game with ChatGPT!
Text generation
Generating exercises
Generating examples
Generating ideas
Transformative operations
Correction of the text and feedback.
Transformation into educational material
Translation of broken text
The best way to learn synonyms!
Reduction operations
Selecting the necessary information
0Period | |||
1 month | 3 months | 12 months | |
0 | 0 | 0 | |
0 | 0 | 0 |