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Lectures on Sociology
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Product description
Lectures on Sociology for nonsociologist.
Quite generally reviewed all the major issues of general sociology.
In the "additional information" see the table of contents.
Format: MS Word 2000
Volume: 36 p. (12 pt. Times New Roman)
Additional information
Table of contents
Sociology as a science
Functions of sociological knowledge
Functions of sociology
General characteristics of the subject area Sociology.
The specificity of sociological explanation.
The system of sociological knowledge.
Social action and social interaction
Signs of social action
Social action.
The theories of social interaction
The concept of social exchange
The concept of symbolic interactionism
The concept of management experiences
1. Basic. theoretical approaches in the study of culture.
1. functionalism
2. Symbolism
3. Adaptive-active approach
2. Elements of culture. Language, values, norms.
1. Language
2. Values
3. Standards
3. Functions of culture
4. The cultural universals and diversity of cultural forms
5. The processes of change in the culture
Social communication
1. Basic definitions and models of communication
2. Types of Social Communication
3. Public opinion and social attitudes as a result of mass communication.
Social stereotype
Public opinion
Information barriers
4. Hearings as an example of informal communication
Small social group
1. Characteristics of the small group
2. Types and functions of small groups
3. Group dynamics
4. The study of small groups
Experiment 1
2. The method of sociometry (J. Moreno)
Social structure
1. Social community
2. Social mobility
Social institutions in the social structure. Institution of the family.
1. The concept of institution and institutionalization
2. Signs of social institutions.
3. The functions of social institutions.
4. Types of family structures.
5. Transformation of social institutions. Alternative family structures and ideologies.
6. Social control
Analysis of the documents in sociology
Social organization
1. The organization as a social system
2. Social property organizations. Their symptoms.
The survey - as a method of research in sociology
The individual and society
1. The status-role concept of personality
2. Socialization
Social conflict
The method of observation in sociology
Exam questions for the course "Sociology"
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