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Level sensor installation project
Content: Проект аварийной вентиляции.rar 1830 kB
Product description
The project for the installation of fuel oil level sensors and automation of fuel oil tanks at a thermal power plant.
Automation of oil tanks provides for:
- measurement and registration of fuel oil level in MB No. 1-6;
- light and sound signaling on control panels at critical levels in fuel oil tanks No. 1-6;
- protections acting on the closing of valves MN-19 and MN-21 (increasing the level in fuel oil tanks No. 5-6);
- protections that act to turn off the supply pumps after closing the MN-21 valve from dropping the load on them to 100 A;
- local/remote control of gate valves with MN-19 and MN-21 electric drives.
- organization of a data transmission system to the enterprise network.
Project drawings of the emergency ventilation system:
1. General data.
2. Scheme of automation.
3. Schematic diagram of the electrical circuit for controlling the actuators of the valves MN-19, MN-21.
4. Schematic diagram of the electrical signaling system for the level of fuel oil MB No. 1-6.
5. Schemes for connecting external wiring.
6. Schemes for connecting external wiring.
7. Tables for connecting external wiring.
8. Plan for the location of equipment and cabling.
9. Drawing of installation of level gauges.
10. Installation drawing of antennas for radio modems.
11. Automation panels. Installation drawings.
12. Journal of control cables.
13. Specification of equipment, products and materials.
Format - DWG compatible with AutoCAD 2004-2017, Compass, ZWCAD, nanoCAD, BricsCAD, etc.
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