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Life planning table
Content: Шаблон таблицы для планирования Жизни, постановки Целей и Задач.xlsx 165,82 kB
Product description
Hi, I use a planner in my arsenal that allows me to focus on priority tasks. I´m using a simple Google Sheet with a few tabs.
The planning structure is as follows:
Initially, I look at my condition with the help of internal sensations and the balance wheel tool, this is what helps me understand the current situation and see areas that need attention.
Next is a tab with a detailed description of each area, my fundamental needs. Description of the area, guidelines in this area, vision of the future, goals, tasks that need to be solved (smart system), and tasks that have already been solved or postponed for some reason. I segmented my areas into six parts: Health, Business, Finance, Environment, Sociality, Creativity. Everyone can have their own, that’s how it is for me. Each sphere can also be segmented.
The third tab is an analogue of a Gantt chart, in my version, it is convenient to plan tasks and activities based on goals.
So I try to focus on things in those areas of my life that I want to improve.