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Life safety Synergy. Final test
Uploaded: 27.08.2022
Content: Ответы. Безопасность жизнедеятельности.pdf 298,71 kB
Product description
Answers "Life safety" > Final test Synergy / MTI / MosAP result 97/100 points. The answers are marked in the file.
1. The state of the body, arising as a result of activity and manifested by a temporary decrease in efficiency, is ...
2. Establish a correspondence between legal acts and the objects of their application
3. Underground vibrations and tremors as a result of seismic waves and movements of certain parts of the earth
4. Among the symptoms of vibration disease - ... (specify 2 answers)
5. Arrange in descending order of importance the factors on which human health depends:
6. Set the sequence of stages (stages) of a fire:
7. Establish a correspondence between objects and the degree of their protection:
8. When an earthquake occurs while driving in a car, you must ...
9. The purpose of creating reserves is ...
10. When working with a computer, you need ... (specify 3 answers)
11. The main cause of global environmental problems is the change ...
12. The law that establishes the legal foundations for the security of the individual, society and the state is the Federal Law
13. A set of sounds of varying intensity and frequency is ...
14. The natural resource, which is called "black gold" because of its importance to humans, is ...
15. The main legislative acts in the field of labor protection are the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and
16. The causes of environmental problems include ...
17. Human use of various chemicals leads to contamination of the soil and the world ...
18. A long, very strong wind with a speed of more than 20 m / s is ...
19. An example of human interaction with nature: ...
20. To reduce harm to the environment in production, it is necessary ...
21. Establish a correspondence between the category of a person´s lifestyle and its characteristics:
22. The powers of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of protection against emergency situations include that the Government ... (specify 2 answers)
23. The biosphere of the Earth includes ...
24. Industrial dust contributes to the development of ... (specify 2 answers)
25. Among the safest places in a multi-storey building during an earthquake - ... (specify 2 answers)
26. The factor of the external environment and the labor process, which can be the cause of an acute illness or a sudden deterioration in health, death, is ... a production factor
27. Arrange in the correct sequence the public offices, from the highest level of authority to the lowest:
28. Man´s influence on nature has begun...
29. Signs of a nearby earthquake include ... (specify 2 answers)
30. The powers of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense (GO) - ...
Additional information
Answers "Life safety" > Final test Synergy / MTI / MosAP result 97/100 points. The answers are marked in the file.