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Love and blood in the snow and ice FB2
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Product description
"About hiking written many books, but fiction on the subject - a rarity. Perhaps that is why this surprise was the emergence in the late 90´s screenplay "Pyramid" - the literary debut of the St. Petersburg author Gregory Sidko. On the pages of the screenplay he appeared as hiking in a totally unfamiliar world - as a bright and unique way of life, as a complete and self-sufficient, but little-known subculture. The screenplay was published in book form and caused a strong reaction of readers - from rave reviews to all kinds of accusations. The author himself never thought that writing about mountaineering. He said that his book about the life of a ...
The new collection of Gregory Sidko published literary version of the screenplay "Pyramid" - the novel "My mountain climbing" but also wrote fifteen years later the continuation of "Pyramid" - "Love and blood in the snow and ice." Additionally, the book became the novel "album on vinyl", which tells about the journey of the romantic heroes of his youth into adulthood. "
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