Magzter Gold Accounts 1 Month

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Content: unique code 16 symbols
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Seller will give you a gift certificate in the amount of 0.18 $ for a positive review

Product description

Magzter Gold Accounts 1 Month

Magzter GOLD, the “All you can read” subscription, gives you unlimited access to 5000+ magazines and premium articles.

PLAN: Gold

Warranty: 1 Month

TOS: DO not change any info on the accounts or passwords.. it will void warranty ..
Terms of purchase and delivery:
1. after purchasing the product, you will receive a 16-digit activation code, please let me know via chat.
2. i will send you the data as soon as possible.
3. <Shipping> Shipping time is within 1-12 hours on average, we usually ship within a few hours.

Please follow the steps below to complete your order:
Option 1:
a) On the purchase page, under the "Contact" and "Additional Information" forms, tick the checkboxes next to "Yes, I would like to send a unique code to the seller".
b) Click "Save". (The code will be automatically sent to the seller).

Option 2:
a) On the Purchase page, copy the unique code received to the clipboard.
b) Scroll down the page and click "Contact Seller".
c) Paste the unique code from the clipboard into the message and click "Send Message".
If you have any further questions, please contact us and we will be happy to answer and assist you!

Thank you for using our service! :)
❗If you have a problem after purchasing an item❗:
Please do not write a negative review, but write the problem to the seller first!
Open the tab: "Correspondence" tab, describe the problem and we will surely help you.
Good reviews can be rewarded.
The seller will reply to your message within 1-12 hours.


1 month 3 months 12 months
0 1 1
0 0 0
Seller will give you a gift certificate in the amount of 0.18 $ for a positive review.
In order to counter copyright infringement and property rights, we ask you to immediately inform us at the fact of such violations and to provide us with reliable information confirming your copyrights or rights of ownership. Email must contain your contact information (name, phone number, etc.)

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