Management Economics Answers Synergy Test

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The break-even point on the chart corresponds to the intersection point of the curves ...
gross costs and gross income
average costs and prices
average costs and gross costs
marginal cost and average cost

Consumer income growth reduces demand for ...
essential goods
goods with a single elasticity of demand
low quality goods

It is not true that the costs of ... are transactional
finding trading partners
storage of goods
securing property rights

In ... theory, a company is considered as a production unit, the activity of which is described by a production function, and the goal is to maximize profits

Normal profit is profit ...
providing the entrepreneur with a comfortable standard of living
received by the firm in the normal course of business
which is necessary for the firm to remain within the given line of activity
obtained by the company at MC = MR
The costs of a firm protecting its trademark are related to ... costs

Natural monopoly should be regulated by the state, because otherwise ...
supply volume will be below optimal
other firms will not be able to enter the industry market
predatory use of resources will take place
overproduction of goods will occur
firms operating in the industry market will incur losses

In the context of the modern interpretation of profit maximization as the economic goal of the company, it can be argued that ...
in modern conditions, the company is satisfied with a satisfactory profit
maximizing sales and maximizing growth are alternative goals for the firm
profit maximization by the company is possible in a very short period of time
the management of the company can have no other purpose than maximizing profits by the company

The relationship between all possible combinations of factors of production and the volume of output is expressed ...
total product yield curve
production curve
gross cost curve
production function
The growth in production due to the increase in the number of any factor of production by 1 unit and with a constant number of other factors, the company is characterized by such a category as ...
marginal cost
marginal rate of technological substitution
marginal product

Net present value ...
exceeds current value of income
does not take into account opportunity costs of using capital
less than the current value of income by the amount of investment
equal to net future discounted value

The commodity market is in equilibrium if ...
at a given price, buyers ´intentions to buy a given quantity of goods coincide with sellers´ intentions
sell the same amount of goods
there is no surplus or shortage of goods on the market
the volume of demand for goods is equal to the volume of supply

Fixed costs include the costs of the company for ...
salaries of management employees
wages of production personnel
payment of fuel and electricity for technological purposes
rent of finished goods warehouse
security of premises

To achieve a monopoly position in the industry is possible by ...
cartel formation
obtaining a patent or license
liquidation of unloaded capacities
lobbying to establish import quotas or tariffs

All consumer surplus is appropriated by a company that ...
monopolizes the market
makes perfect price discrimination
maximizes the difference between marginal revenue and marginal cost
maximizes gross margin

It’s not true that ... refers to the economic goals of the company
profit increase
return on equity
improving the quality of goods

Additional information

Buhgalterskie izderzhki …
v otlichie ot ekonomicheskih predstavlyayut soboj stoimost´ izraskhodovannyh resursov, a ne al´ternativnyh
variantov zatrat
prevyshayut ekonomicheskie na velichinu vneshnih effektov
opredelyayutsya cherez buhgalterskij balans firmy, togda kak ekonomicheskie – po formule TC = FC + VC
v otlichie ot ekonomicheskih ischislyayutsya v denezhnom vyrazhenii, a ne v natural´nom

V otlichie ot monopolii firma-oligopolist …
pribegaet k necenovoj konkurencii
uchityvaet reakciyu konkurentov
obladaet kontrolem nad cenoj
ne uchityvaet reakciyu konkurentov

Esli spros na sel´skohozyajstvennuyu produkciyu neelastichen, to pri horoshem urozhae dohody fermerov …
vyrastut, tak kak uvelichitsya ob"em prodavaemoj produkcii
vyrastut, tak kak ceny na produkciyu uvelichatsya v svyazi s povysheniem sprosa na nee
ostanutsya neizmennymi
sokratyatsya, tak kak otnositel´noe snizhenie cen okazhetsya bol´shim, chem otnositel´noe uvelichenie ob"ema

K usloviyam effektivnosti politiki cenovoj diskriminacii otnositsya …
vozmozhnost´ firmy differencirovat´ potrebitelej po urovnyu elastichnosti sprosa
sposobnost´ firmy predotvratit´ pereprodazhu tovara
nalichie u firmy rynochnoj vlasti
sezonnoe kolebanie potrebitel´skogo sprosa

Soglasno naibolee polnomu opredeleniyu, firma – eto …
hozyajstvennaya edinica kollektivnogo haraktera, obladayushchaya vsej polnotoj prav dlya zaklyucheniya kontraktov,
obespechivayushchih vse storony ee deyatel´nosti
organizacionno-ekonomicheskaya sistema, s pomoshch´yu kotoroj osushchestvlyaetsya proizvodstvennye processy po
sozdaniyu tovarov i uslug s cel´yu ih dal´nejshej prodazhi
organizaciya pod edinym upravleniem, uchrezhdennaya v celyah prineseniya pribyli ee sobstvennikam posredstvom
predlozheniya na rynke odnogo ili neskol´kih tovarov i uslug

Indeks Gerfindalya–Hirshmana pokazyvaet, chto, …
chem bol´she znachenie indeksa, tem vyshe stepen´ koncentracii prodavcov na rynke
chem bol´she znachenie indeksa, tem nizhe koncentraciya prodavcov na rynke
chem men´she znachenie indeksa, tem vyshe koncentraciya prodavcov na rynke

Otlichitel´nym priznakom tol´ko rynka sovershennoj konkurencii yavlyaetsya …
otsutstvie rynochnoj vlasti
nalichie bol´shogo chisla prodavcov i pokupatelej na rynke
vybor ob"ema vypuska, maksimiziruyushchego pribyl´
prodazha produktov, kotorye yavlyayutsya drug po otnosheniyu k drugu nesovershennymi zamenitelyami

Dlya cenoobrazovaniya v usloviyah oligopolii harakterno, chto …
firmy menyayut ceny odnovremenno
cena vosprinimaetsya kak vneshnij faktor, na kotoryj firma ne mozhet vliyat´
ceny bolee zhestkie, t.e. menyayutsya ne tak bystro i znachitel´no, kak pri drugih rynochnyh strukturah
firma samostoyatel´no v opredelennyh predelah menyaet cenu realizuemogo tovara v lyubom napravlenii

Pri prinyatii upravlencheskih reshenij proizvodstvennaya funkciya …
pomogaet firme ispol´zovat´ ee resursy racional´no
v sluchae mnogoproduktovoj firmy ne mozhet byt´ ocenena statisticheski
v kratkosrochnom i dolgosrochnom periodah identichna
imeet lish´ teoreticheskoe znachenie

Na praktike karteli …
trudno sozdat´ i podderzhivat´ dlitel´noe vremya
podderzhivayutsya gosudarstvom
postoyanno sozdayutsya i sushchestvuyut dlitel´noe vremya

Snizhenie dolgosrochnyh srednih izderzhek po mere uvelicheniya ob"ema proizvodstva privodit k … effektu masshtaba

Gosudarstvennaya industrial´naya politika i politika podderzhki konkurencii …
eto sinonimichnye ponyatiya
vzaimodopolnyayut drug druga
nahodyatsya v konflikte drug s drugom
nezavisimy drug ot druga

K problemam gosudarstvennoj politiki v otnoshenii monopolii sleduet otnesti …
problemu H-effektivnosti
problemu dopustimoj rynochnoj vlasti
vybor mezhdu ekonomicheskim rostom i stabil´nost´yu
problemu nedobrosovestnoj konkurencii

Snizhenie dolgosrochnyh srednih izderzhek po mere uvelicheniya ob"ema proizvodstva harakterizuet … effekt ma


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