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Management of the two seminars RIU TANTAL MEI
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Management of the two seminars RIU TANTAL
Task 1
Question 1: What are the stages is in general management decisions?
1) the preparation, adoption, implementation;
2) the development, management and control;
3) search, selection, approval.
Question 2. What are the stages of the administrative decision-making process, which identifies the actions of all facilities management, as well as delegated authority to manage them:
1) The search for a solution of the problem;
2) approval of decisions;
3) determination of purpose.
Question 3. Give an example of scientific and technical solutions:
1) Organization of the department of children's toys in the store;
2) Encouraging the distinguished employees Prize;
3) installation of new PCs in the economic department.
Question 4. Who takes a collective decision?
1) Manager;
2) a group of specialists;
3) The staff of the organization.
Question 5. What are the main requirement for economic and mathematical models of decision-making:
1) adequacy;
2) they must comply with simulated economic objects or processes that are the subject of management;
3) The correct answer is 1, 2.
Question 6. What is the representation of an object or an idea of \u200b\u200bsome form other than the very integrity?
1) matrix;
2) model;
3) projection.
Question 7: What is the method of modeling the impact assessment of the decision on the competition, which was developed by the military?
1) The method of expert evaluations;
2) model of queuing theory;
3) the theory of games.
Question 8: In what case, the method of expert evaluations?
1) when the task is not wholly or partially be formalized;
2) when the problem can not be solved by mathematical methods.
3) The correct answer is 1, 2.
Question 9. What is the Delphi method?
1) mnogoturovuyu procedure of questioning;
2) co-generation of ideas;
3) theoretical comparison of alternatives.
Question 10. In which case the principle of Edgeworth?
1) when all the experts form a whole, a coalition;
2) when the group consists of several coalitions, each of which is not profitable to change its decision;
3) When the number of solutions proposed, equal to the number of experts.
Question 11. What is the "payoff matrix"?
1) One of the methods of statistical decision theory;
2) a method that can help in choosing the head of one of several options;
3) The correct answer is 1, 2.
Question 12. What is characteristic of risky decisions?
1) special care assessment hypotheses, critical;
2) solutions skip over phase study hypotheses;
3) Elements of building hypotheses and testing them balanced.
Task 2
Question 1. What is the perceptual function of communication?
1) transfer sve¬deny true or false;
2) perception of each other part¬nerami on dialogue and the establishment on this basis of mutual understanding;
3) the commencement or change in the nature of emotional experiences.
Question 2. What is the method allows a person to organize information?
1) processing of information based on human feelings, preferences, emotions, beliefs;
2) logical processing of information;
3) hold all the answers.
Question 3. What is stereotyping?
1) information more complex and original appearance to certain stereotypes;
2) transfer characteristics evaluations of individual phenomena to other characteristics;
3) projection of a man of his own feelings, na¬stroeny, feelings, fears, motives activities to other people.
Question 4: What are the two components are present in the external communications?
1) persons and staff;
2) the organization and the environment;
3) organization and people.
Question 5. Which of the vertical communications functions as alarm management that make it subordinate?
1) downward;
2) horizontally;
3) on the increase.
Question 6. What is the process involved in the ex
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