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Mark Yudalevich. Blue Lady.
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Uploaded: 13.06.2014
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Product description
Tale of the famous writer Mark Altai Yudalevicha devoted to the history of the Blue Lady - a mysterious woman who lived in the nineteenth century, the ghost is rumored to be to this day walks in one of the mansions of the city of Barnaul. The book in format Word.
Additional information
This old beautiful mansion in the heart of the city - the scene of the novel "Blue Lady" - barnaultsy well known. Earlier it lived Head of the Altai mining district, now houses the city administration. A mysterious, terrible drama was played once for his thick walls. Extant legend tells that in one of them immured beautiful young woman, the mistress of the house. Legend says dully passionate love, betrayal, rage deceived husband. And it relies on the testimony of many famous people, guests and lived in the house at different times.
Quiet evenings in the house heard piano music. In shallow stairs leading to the garden and preserved to this day, down misty figure of a woman in a blue dress. We saw it in the corridors of the building. For more than 150 years, it confuses peace barnaultsev, stimulates the imagination of artists and does not die a legend.
Brand Story Yudalevicha "Blue Lady" - a fascinating story about the romantic life and death Blue Ladies, its mysterious and sad love. Published for the first time, with the right mass circulation, the story disappeared as quickly and quietly as disappears, according to eyewitnesses, her character.
There are rumors that recently the Blue Lady appeared again. Maybe it excited the news of the second edition of the story, that you, dear reader, hold in your hands? In any case, keep the book tighter ...
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