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Market research of the market of chocolate
Content: Маркетинговое исследование рынка шоколада - 24%.rar 119 kB
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25 $ | the discount is | 10% |
Product description
Introduction 2
Chapter 1. Theoretical peculiarities of marketing research 4
1.1.Ponyatie marketing research, goals, objectives and classification of 4
1.2.Marketingovoe research goods 8
1.3. Planning and market research 14
Chapter Summary January 15
Chapter 2. Market research bitter chocolate 17
2.1.Harakteristika assortment of chocolate at the Omsk market 17
2.2.Issledovanie consumer preferences 22
Conclusions Chapter February 31
Conclusion 34
References 34
Additional information
If you want to buy this work, do not forget to update the list of references (especially the editorial board), also pay attention to the requirements of your manual; the design of headings, links, tables and figures may differ. The work is sold as auxiliary material. It is recommended to use the work only after bringing it into compliance with your manual. These works can be an excellent example, but it is not recommended to use the contents of the product without making personal adjustments and changes. For example, you can easily add some of your own findings or expand on some of the information already presented. We really hope that this product will be useful to you. We wish you good luck in your studies!!!
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