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Master communication: How to talk to agree - Queen M.
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Uploaded: 28.05.2004
Content: koroljova.rar 73,23 kB
Product description
In every person's life there are situations when a dialogue with someone turns into a quarrel. And all because you wanted to say one thing, the source heard in your words quite another. And yet you are constantly forced to do something that you absolutely do not want to do.
Can you firmly and calmly defend their opinion? You know how you convince the interlocutor, to get him to agree with you?
If you are familiar with at least one description of the situation, and you would like to change it, to become a master, a virtuoso of communication, this book - for you. Reading it, try to immediately apply the new knowledge into practice. And the results are stunning. You will perceive your opinion would be important, you will be able to successfully resist the aggression of others and to seek consent from the interlocutor.
The volume of the book: 160.
File Format: HTML
The total file size: 73 kb
Date archive 27.05.04.
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