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Mathematical methods in psychology Test Synergy answers
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Content: Ответы. Математические методы в психологии.pdf 266,74 kB
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Mathematical Methods in Psychology Test Synergy 97/100 points. The answer base is excellent.
1. Depending on the type of experimental design, there are four main variants of ANOVA: one-way; multifactorial; with repeated measurements; …
2. ... distribution is a symmetrical distribution, in which extreme values are rare and the frequency gradually increases from the extreme to the middle values of the trait.
3. In the case of the Q-methodology of psychological research, which involves the study of the variability of the subject under the influence of various stimuli, the sample ...
4. For ordinal variables, correlation is used ...
5. To study the relationship of one variable and several other variables, ... analysis is used.
6. A non-parametric analogue of one-way analysis of variance is the criterion ...
7. The correlation coefficient is applied if ...
8. Extremely small or large values of a feature are ...
9. To study the relationship of two metric variables measured on the same sample, ...
10. Measurement in ... scale suggests the possibility of using a unit of measurement (metric), and the numbers reflect not only the differences between objects at the level of property expression, but also how much more or less the property is expressed.
11. The number characterizing the sample according to the level of expression of the measured trait is
12. In the case of the R-methodology of psychological research, which involves the study of the variability of any psychological property under the influence of some influence, the sample ...
13. The most sensitive (powerful) analogue of the Student´s t-test for dependent samples is the test ...
14. ... is a statement about an unknown parameter of the general population, which is formulated to test the reliability of the connection and which can be verified using known sample statistics - the results of the study.
15. To determine the frequency of occurrence of certain values of a measured trait or to identify subgroups and individual subjects, the most typical or atypical for a given set of observations, you can use ...
16. ANOVA with repeated changes is applied when … according to the within-group design.
17. The most popular and most sensitive (powerful) analogue of the Student´s t-test for independent samples is the test ...
18. Statistical samples, depending on the procedure for their organization, are ...
19. Multivariate ANOVA method is used in the study of ...
20. A distribution has no mode when...
21. The main goal of factor analysis is ... initial data in order to describe them economically, subject to minimal loss of initial information.
22. The number characterizing the sample according to the level of expression of the measured trait is
23. A figure consisting of vertices and lines connecting them is ...
24. The statistical significance of the results of the study is determined using ...
25. A multifactorial mathematical model of intelligence and a factor analysis procedure for its verification were proposed ...
26. Fashion is ... a sign.
27. With ... the distribution of frequencies, all values \u200b\u200bare found equally or almost equally often.
28. The procedure for ordering objects into relatively homogeneous classes based on a pairwise comparison of these objects according to predefined and measured criteria is ...
29. Testing hypotheses about relationships between variables using correlation coefficients is ...
30. A tool for determining the level of statistical significance is ...
31. It is not true that the test method should contain ...
32. Exploration … takes place when two variables are presented on a numerical scale.
33. The part of the variance of a variable explained by the principal components (factors) is
34. The normal distribution of psychological properties in the general population is characterized by several parameters, in particular ... dev
Additional information
36. The set of objects in relation to which the research hypothesis is formulated is ...
37. The author of the term "correlation coefficient" and a pioneer in measuring human abilities is ...
38. ... refers to methods based on a distance model, the immediate source data for which is information about various objects.
39. The value from the set of measurements that occurs most often is ...
40. The r-Pearson correlation is used to study the relationship…
41. ... is a point on the numerical axis of the measured trait, which divides the entire set of ordered measurements into two groups with a known ratio of their numbers.
42. When measuring in ... the scale, a zero point is set, corresponding to the complete absence of the severity of the measured property.
43. ANOVA was designed … specifically for the analysis of study results.