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MEI. Answers on a math test. Part 4.
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Uploaded: 13.03.2010
Content: mei_test-4.rar 133,99 kB
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Product description
Moscow Institute of Economics. Control tasks (tests) on discipline "Mathematics (Part 4)" from the methodological guide for students MEI. Distance learning. MEI - 2006.
E-book (DjVu-file) contains scanned solutions (answers) to 14 jobs (5 questions in each job) controlling math test for students MEI. All 70 test questions copied from the methodological guide MEI and assembled into a single document of 15 pages. Each test question in the policy manual is offered 5 answer options. The e-book contains all test questions, answers to them individually marked all the correct answers to test questions. There is also a summary table with the correct number of answers. This document is stored in a format DjVu, which is open in Internet Explorer after installing utility program (plug-in). Link to download and install DjVu-plugin can be found on the company's homepage LIZARDTECH. DjVu-file that contains the conditions of tasks and their detailed solution completely and ready for viewing on your computer and print. All tasks were successfully offset by teachers MEI.
Additional information
The document was prepared on the resource:
Online tutor in mathematics and physics.
Terms of the test tasks can be viewed on the Internet site tutor section of mathematical analysis.
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