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MEI Concepts of modern science practical
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Problem 1. Before your chart of basic natural sciences:
Specify interdisciplinary science, indicated in the diagram by the letters A, B, C, D:
1) Geochemistry
2) Biochemistry
3) Biophysics
4) Geophysics
Task 2. On the basis of the principle of causality, recognized methodology of natural science, make a causal chain of the following events:
1) a flash of lightning and thunder
2) the accumulation of electrical charge on the clouds
3) the occurrence of an electrical discharge in the atmosphere
Problem 3. Place in a sequence that reflects their order the next stage of the experimental method of Galileo:
1) experimental verification of the consequences of the hypothesis
2) the establishment of hypotheses on the basis of observations and experiments
3) The conclusions of the investigation of the hypotheses
Task 4. Completion experimental proof of the existence of electromagnetic waves Popov was a demonstration in 1896, the first transmission of telegrams at a distance of 250 m, lies in two words "Heinrich Hertz" sent at the speed of propagation of electromagnetic waves Vc = 3108 m / s. "
After some time, the signal sent t reached the receiver?
Problem 5. Specify the basic formulas of relativistic mechanics.
1. m = m0 / (1 - v2 / c2) 1/2
2. l = l0 (1 -v2 / c2) 1/2
3. S = gt2 / 2
4. S = v0 t
5. t = t0 / (1 - v2 / c2) 1/2
6. F = m1 m2 / R2
6. The task of elementary particles that transmit interactions are gravitons, photons, weak bosons, gluons. Put these concepts in conformity with the types of fundamental interactions in nature, transmitted by these particles.
a) the electromagnetic interaction
b) the strong nuclear force
c) the weak interaction
d) the gravitational interaction 1. gravitons
2. photons
3. The weak bosons
4. gluons
Problem 7. Make the correct conclusion from the above text.
According to the theory of the chemical structure, the carbon atoms can be joined together in various ways and with atoms of other elements to form a great variety of organic compounds, for example:
Thus, in the framework of the theory of chemical structure of organic compounds is due to the variety of ...
1) manifold elements forming organic compound
2) the isotopic composition of carbon
3) carbon allotropes
4) The phenomenon of isomerism
Problem 8. Place in order of their degree of complexity, these levels of organization of wildlife:
1) The cell layer
2) the molecular level
3) population-species level
4) the organismic level
Task 9. As a result, crossing two-clear two-hybrid varieties of peas with yellow and green seeds smooth wrinkled received four distinguished by their appearance, the group of second-generation hybrid seeds - yellow, smooth, wrinkled yellow, green, smooth, green wrinkled. Given that the yellow color and smooth is the dominant form of seeds, and using a combination of features of independent law Mendel, calculate how much was shown a yellow smooth seeds, if you know that in the other groups the number of seeds were distributed as follows: yellow wrinkled - 900, green smooth - 900 wrinkled green - was 300.
Problem 10. Put the following biogeochemical functions of living matter in accordance with their definitions set forth in the teachings of Vernadsky's biosphere.
1. Gas function a) Implementation of the redox reactions that underlie any kind of biological metabolism
2. Energy function b) uptake and release of living matter oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gaseous compounds
3. The redox function) uptake by living matter of solar energy and transfer it in the trophic (food) chains
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