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MEI Conflict Lab
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Task 1.
Situation: At a meeting of sales agents A reports that has been losing orders due to the fact that competitors started to produce new products and sell them at low prices. Colleagues share with them their experiences uspeshenogo compete in their fields and give advice, but rejects the assumption A, finding flaws in them, and insists that in his field, these techniques fail. The more the object A, the more he tries to help. After some time the head of B says: "I see, yes, you do not want to change anything, and I Sauveur-pletely lost the desire to continue the discussion!". There was a silence and total embarrassment.
1. What is the position in this situation, take the head of A, his colleagues and the head B?
2. Define the exit strategy from a conflict situation.
Task 2.
Below is a list of qualities that should have a modern manager. You neohodimo determine what species they belong. (The table can enter only the numbers of these qualities)
1. The mind
2. intuition,
3. Activity,
4. The authority,
5. Health,
6. The drive to succeed,
7. creativity,
8. force
9. The ability to take the right decision,
10. energy,
11. The self-confidence,
12. adaptability.
The physical quality of Personality Intelligent Quality
Task 3.
Situation: The head gives the task subordinate to buy a certain brand of equipment. Submit To-ny is trying to explain to him that this type of equipment is not worth buying and why. But the head, which was the last word, selects outwardly strong arguments in favor of his decision and urges the slave in his wrongness. The slave agrees: "Well, if you think so, then I will get it, of equipments", while the tone of voice and a set of words and intonation in a phrase implying the head on a hidden level that it does not agree with the decision and will not be liable for its consequences. After some time, an opinion confirmed by B., and equipment is dismantled. When the manager summoned slave to analyze the cause of the failure, he replied: "You yourself wanted to buy just that. And from the beginning I warned you that the equipment will not fit. " Thus hidden communication becomes apparent and creates change roles and tensions in communication. Brewing conflict situation.
1. What are the errors in the behavior of managers and subordinates in this situation?
2. What is really needed to make subordinate and supervisor, to prevent conflict?
Task 4.
Lee Iacocca in his book, "Career management" claims that after seeing their colleagues working the Japanese-ra bochy say "if I could be of any help?" The American - "it's not my business." What say you?
Task 5.
Situation: Retiree - K. doctor with 25 years experience, having gone to a pension paid was attending sewing classes at the district house of culture. After a few sessions pensioner K. was excluded from the course: she was accused that she was "itself against the collective." This is evidenced by such events.
During one of the sessions in the room came from the employee recreation psychiatrist. Suspend classes, the staff member said that everyone will listen to a lecture. K. pensioner said she did not need a lecture, and she will do their work. Lecturer (K. friend of previous work) demanded that K. left the audience. K. said that she came to her paid employment by cutting and sewing, not a lecture. Then a lecturer slammed the door and left. And all began to say: "Shame on you!" Director of Culture House accused K. that she tore the lecture. What Karl replied: "It is not clear why in this great interest not to hold this lecture is normal, as it should be?"
1. Why is a conflict?
2. What will it take to prevent the conflict?
3. How to overcome the conflict?
4. Evaluate the behavior of K, the remaining trainees and the director of the house of culture.
Additional information
Task 7.
Situation: The plant was given the task to master a new product. The difficulty for this guide is not a plant-lo. Quickly set up a team of 16 people. Brigadier was appointed an experienced staff working A. having pain-Scheu brigadier experience in other areas.
It was found relaxed target figure, and workers began to manufacture products. However, it soon became clear that the team is unable to cope with the task. No action taken by the administration, including the one-off payment, did not help. Productivity remained low. In addition, the team one by one conflictual, were complaints on different occasions, there were cases of refusal to work.
After a frank talk with the workers of the plant administration has identified the phenomena of incompatibility in the brigade. Eye-turned out that in addition there are two appointed Brigadier active workers "B" and "B", around which are grouped, it was deduced from the number of people. As a rule, the opinions of these workers were in conflict with the opinion of the foreman. In fact, the whole team was "divided" between the three leaders.
The plant management has taken into account the psychological situation in the team and take appropriate action, after which the plan became fulfilled and overfulfilled.
1. Select of the following alternatives to the one that has been implemented at the plant:
a) A foreman moved to another location;
b) working B. and B. transferred to another team. A brigadier stayed .;
c) the team was divided into two, and appointing foremen B. V .;
d) team was divided into two, A. and foremen by appointing one of the active workers (BA, B.).
d) one of the active workers (BI or B) moved to another team;
e) The team was divided into two brigadiers appointed A. and B., who took to his team B.
2. Why did you choose such an alternative?
3. Predict the behavior of the staff team after normalization of relations.
Task 8.
Situation: In the blast furnace steel plant accident occurred. "But not a technical accident, although not without itself - as the director said - it was an accident in human relations." Blast furnace plant at the plant was considered safe. But after the appointment of the new chief of the trouble started for the trouble-Stu.
Head of the department nominated veteran who has worked at the plant for over a quarter century. He grew up in the shop. All he was known as an active and capable employee. When he was appointed head of the department, no one was surprised, but no one could not assume that it is so dramatically change their behavior. The foreman so imagined themselves that ceased to be the views of experts. Even colleagues who were trying to give advice, entered the conflict and did not speak for months. Quarreled with everyone who was with him on an equal footing, forced subordinates tremble before him. All hiding, there was a feeling of disaster. And it came.
"There was a major outage with the ore. Finally, she was admitted. But that was not what we need. And he did not look with Dru-GIH did not ask. From caveats as always waved. "Without you, I know what I'm doing!"
Cast iron from the furnace could not release. "Goat" beat out more than twenty days ... accident befell the summer but before the year of the breakthrough to get out and failed. With the consequences help to cope specialists from different Goro-ing country.
1. Why is this called the crash an accident in human relations?
2. What leadership style was characteristic of the head of department?
3. How do you think the accident could have been prevented?
4. How would you have developed coordinated work in the shop?
Task 9 ..
Think of a situation in which clearly discernible pattern to such as the escalation of conflicts. What you need to do to achieve a conflict-free communication?
Task 10.
Situation: A worker in general knows his business
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