MEI PHILOSOPHY. Test 35 tasks for 5 questions

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Product description

Task number 1.
Question 1. The ancient Greeks defined wisdom as:
1. a kind of cosmic "Mind";
2. knowledge of the Universum;
3. The doctrine of good and evil.
Question 2. The main thing in the subject of philosophy is:
1. Objects;
2. empirical reality;
3. philosophical reflection.
Question 3. Philosophical issues are:
1. questions about natural objects;
2. questions about objects created by people;
3. questions about the relationship of a person to natural and human-made objects.
Question 4. Who is the founder of classical German philosophy?
1. I. Kant;
2. G. Hegel;
3. K. Marx.
Question 5. Who developed the system of dialectics as a logic and theory of knowledge?
1. G. Hegel;
2. I. Herzen;
3. K. Marx.
Task number 2.
Question 1. Who owns the words "I think, therefore I exist"?
1. R. Descartes;
2. To G. Hegel;
3. B. Spinoza.
Question 2. From what, in the opinion of the Stoics, does philosophy begin?
1. with logic;
2. with physics;
3. with ethics.
Question 3. What was the main thing in the philosophy of the Stoics?
1. Logic;
2. Physics;
3. Ethics.
Question 4. In the 17th century. the theory of knowledge considered:
1. Abstract theoretical level of cognition;
2. the moral level of cognition;
3. All of the above.
Question 5. How many parts of philosophical knowledge did Hegel singulate?
1. two;
2. three;
3. Five.

Additional information

Task number 34.
Question 1. Before the beginning of what century in science dominated the Newtonian-Cartesian paradigm?
1. before the 19th century;
2. Up to the 20th century;
3. Before the 21st century.
Question 2. How many types of theology exist in monotheistic religions?
1. one;
2. two;
3. Three.
Question 3. What type of theology believes that God can only be known by heart?
1. The cataphatic;
2. apophatic;
3. All of the above
Question 4. What type of theology allows us to talk about God?
1. The cataphatic;
2. apophatic;
3. All of the above.
Question 5. How is space represented in religion?
1. as the space of the ordinary world;
2. as an out-of-bounds space;
3. All of the above.
Task number 35.
Question 1. What threatens humanity and our planet?
1. Thermonuclear fire and ecological catastrophe;
2. The danger looming over human corporeality and the crisis of spirituality;
3. All of the above.
Question 2. What was the population growth in the 1980s?
1. 8 thousand people per hour;
2. 10 thousand people per hour;
3. 15 thousand people per hour.
Question 3. Demographers believe that the world population should not exceed:
1. 10 billion people;
2. 50 billion people;
3. 80 billion people.
Question 4. How many preconditions for overcoming global crisis collisions can be identified?
1. two;
2. three;
3. Five.
Question 5. How many directions of the vision of the future do you know?
1. one;
2. two;
3. Three.


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