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MEI Russian language and culture of speech Test 19 back
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Exercise 1
Question 1. In what forms does the Russian literary language exist?
1. in oral
2. in writing
3. All of the above
Question 2. What vocabulary is typical for the written form of the Russian literary language?
1. colloquial and everyday
2. Book
3. All of the above
Question 3. What vocabulary is typical for the oral form of the Russian literary language?
1. colloquial and everyday
2. Book
3. All of the above
Question 4. How many functional styles are allocated in the Russian literary language?
1. two
2. Three
3. five
Question 5. Where does the oral form of the Russian literary language take place?
1. in conversation
2. in a conversation
3. All of the above
Activity 2
Question 1. Where does the written form of the Russian literary language take place?
1. in works of science and art
2. in official business documents
3. All of the above
Question 2. What is the basis of the journalistic style?
1. socio-political literature
2. Periodical printing
3. All of the above
Question 3. What does the official-business style include?
1. State acts and international treaties
2. stationery and private correspondence
3. All of the above
Question 4. Where can the scientific style appear in the oral form of the literary language?
1. in high school lectures
2. in reports at scientific conferences
3. All of the above
Question 5. What characterizes the style of fiction?
1. unity of communicative and aesthetic functions
2. 2. meaningful capacity and multi-valuedness
3. All of the above
Activity 3
Question 1. Lexicology is:
1. the science of vocabulary
2. The science of dictionaries
3. The science of the meaning of words
Question 2. What is the study of semantics?
1. vocabulary
2. The word and its meaning
3. Dictionaries
Question 3. What does the word call?
1. Item
2. the concept
3. All of the above
Question 4. What words do not express concepts?
1. service words
2. interjections and pronouns
3. All of the above
Question 5. The metaphor is:
1. transfer of the name by similarity
2. transfer of the name by contiguity
3. All of the above
Activity 4
Question 1. Homonyms are:
1. words that sound the same, but different in meaning
2. words that sound different in different ways, but the same in meaning
3. words with the opposite meaning
Question 2. Synonyms are:
1. words that sound the same, but different in meaning
2. words of different sounds, but identical in meaning
3. words with the opposite meaning
Question 3. Antonyms are:
1. words that sound the same, but different in meaning
2. words that sound different in different ways, but the same in meaning
3. words with the opposite meaning
Question 4. Synonyms are:
1. ideographic
2. Stylistic
3. All of the above
Question 5. What words form the antonyms?
1. Qualitative adjectives and qualitative adverbs
2. Some nouns and verbs (containing in their meaning a qualitative attribute)
3. All of the above
Additional information
Score - 5
Activity 17
Question 1. How many values are combined in any meaningful word?
1. one
2. Two
3. Three
Question 2. Grammatical significance:
1. determines the place of the word in the grammatical structure
2. determines the role of the word in the grammatical structure
3. All of the above
Question 3. With what concept does the notion of the grammatical category correspond?
1. grammatical meaning
2. grammatical form
3. All of the above
Question 4. The Russian language belongs to the following languages:
1. Synthetic type
2. Analytical type
3. mixed type
Question 5. How many principles of division of parts of speech exist?
1. one
2. Two
3. Three Assignment 18
Question 1. Noteworthy words are:
1. parts of speech
2. service words
3. modal words
Question 2. In what role are the significant words in the proposal?
1. in the role of the main members
2. in the role of secondary members
3. All of the above
Question 3. The syntax is:
1. the doctrine of the phrase
2. The doctrine of the proposal
3. All of the above
Question 4. What kind of communication is used in the proposal?
1. submission
2. composition
3. All of the above
Question 5. What kind of connection is used in the phrase?
1. submission
2. composition
3. All of the above
Activity 19
Question 1. Punctuation is:
1. rules for placing punctuation marks
2. the punctuation marks themselves
3. All of the above
Question 2. Punctuation marks are divided into:
1. separating
2. Emphasizing
3. All of the above
Question 3. What punctuation mark separates homogeneous terms?
1. comma
2. point
3. Dashes
Question 4. Which punctuation mark completes the narrative sentence?
1. comma
2. semicolon
3. point
Question 5. Which of the following signs is single?
1. ellipsis
2. colon
3. Quotation marks
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