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Menedzhment and the power of NLP (David Molden, page 262)
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Product description
The winners of the future will be those who will learn to proactively deal with the chaos.
The human mind, the most powerful computer in the world. Now we have the technology to start to disclose this potential.
NLP develop your potential to achieve success, -sozdavaya order out of chaos. Procedures that may change and evolve in harmony with the needs of the business and personnel.
Go beyond the traditional learning models, to find new ways to develop competence in management.
"Management and the power of NLP" reveals the secrets of NLP as a powerful tool to improve efficiency. It gives the opportunity to build effective strategies for teaching leadership, communication, and innovation, improving the results in an ever-changing world of management.
Many of the Fortune 500 top executives of the magazine "Fortune" found that using NLP techniques can be achieved excellence in management, and personal well-being. "Management and the power of NLP" will enable you to achieve the same.
Bring out the skills, attitudes and abilities that will give you the strength to succeed.
Additional information
“Отличный инструментарий и для менеджеров, и для консультантов по менеджменту. Дэвид применил огромный диапазон умений и концепций НЛП с той эффективностью и с тем изяществом, которые приобретены годами личного опыта. Благодаря примерам, метафорам и диаграммам книга привлекательна даже для самых ревностных противников жаргона и терминологии НЛП.”
Кэтлин Кинг, преподаватель Лондонской Школы Бизнеса, координатор организационного развития компании RCN, мастер-практик НЛП.
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