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MFPA Benchmarks "Business Valuation"
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1.It is known that the company´s revenues in the last forecast year will be 650 000, the discount rate – 20% long-term growth rate of 110%. Determine residual value.
2. It is known that the current assets of the company is 200 000 at beginning of the period, and 270,000 at the end, the amount of assets 700,000, the proceeds 1300 000. Determine the turnover of circulating assets in days.
3.It is known that the company´s revenues are expected to be received in the forecast period, are in 1st year 750 000, 2nd year - 350 000, 3rd year – 500 000 4 years – 550 000 residual cost 1200 000, the discount rate – 8%. Determine the present value of the enterprise.
4. It is known that the current assets of the company is 200 000, total assets of 700 000, loan capital 300 000. Determine the coefficient of autonomy.
5. It is known that the company´s revenues are expected to be received in the middle of each year, up to 1st year 300 000, 2nd year - 400 000, 3rd year – 350 000; discount rate – 8%. Determine the present value of cash flows.
6. It is known that the average multiplier price/earnings multiple of similar companies 6,5; the profit estimate of the company´s 80,000; revenue 1,000,000. Determine the value of the company being evaluated.
7. Determine the enterprise value income approach, if it is known that income in the first forecast year amounted to 300 000 D. E., the second – 550 000 D. E., the third 700 000 D. E., long-term growth rate of cash flow 5%.In addition, it is known that the risk-free rate of return of 12%, the ratio - 0,9, the market premium is 5%.
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8. Determine enterprise value the market approach if you know that the price multiplier/earnings by companies-analogues was 6.3; the price/cash flow 10,5; price to sales ratio of 4.3. The activity of the estimated company is unprofitable, its revenue amounted to 1 200 000 D. E., cash flow 200 000 D. E.
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Additional information
In this paper we present the solution of problems. The residual value is determined with known company revenues in the last forecast year, the discount rate and the long-term growth rate. Turnover of current assets is determined on the basis of known current assets at the beginning and end of the period and revenue. The coefficient of autonomy is calculated on the condition that the current assets of the enterprise, the amount of assets and borrowed capital are set. Etc.
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