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MFPA control and standard setting Assessment of land
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1. The appraisal company asked the customer with a request to determine the value of the land. In a personal conversation with the customer in determining the goals and objectives of the evaluation, it was found that the customer does not know what is the cost of land should be defined. It is necessary to explain to the customer: what is the difference between the market value and the investment value of the land? In some cases there is a need to define both values?
2. The appraisal company called the customer with a request to determine the market value of the ownership of the land area of \u200b\u200b4.5 hectares at the address: Moscow region, Solnechnogorsk district, with buildings located thereon production and administrative facilities (total 5 buildings). Land belongs to the category of land settlements, with the permitted use of the operation is the production of the property complex. Describe in detail an exemplary Evaluator action needed to determine the market value of the land. Pay special attention to justifying the choice of assessment methods that are appropriate in this case assessment.
3. The appraisal company asked the customer (legal entity) to determine the market value of the land with a total area of \u200b\u200b10 hectares owned by the customer. It is known that the land belongs to the category of land settlements, is now completely free (undeveloped) in the future will be used for individual housing construction (presumably cottage village). What documents are needed to assess the land, must provide the customer? What information (external information) will be collected for this evaluation itself appraiser?
1. Consider the three plots of land, one of which is located in the city center and is aimed at shopping destinations (respectively, it has a maximum value), the second site is located on the outskirts of the city, is also a retail-oriented focus, the third land is also located on the outskirts of the city, but it is designed for industrial purposes. It is known that on the outskirts of the city, where the land number 2 and number 3 is a developed transport and engineering infrastructure (necessary to lead the way for them, to lay engineering services, etc.), and a plot of land in the city center over the cliff (landslide slope to the river) require the production of protective works. It is necessary to explain, by what factor (outer wear functional wear or impact of the easement) in each case assessment (land plot number 1, № 2 and number 3) the value of property valuation will decline?
2. What are the features of the earth as an object of valuation?
3. What is an easement? What types of easements. What may be a need to assess the land at the easement? Which in this case would be subject to assessment in accordance with the law?
4. What are the differences between the cadastral and land valuation unit?
5. For what purpose can be used the results of the cadastral valuation of urban land?
6. In what cases it is necessary to assess partial property rights on the ground?
7. What is the difference from the evaluation of the rights of the lessor the right to assess a tenant?
Additional information
MFPA control and standard setting Assessment of land
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