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MFPA Quiz "Evaluation of securities"
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Product description
1. How is the transfer of rights to certificated and uncertificated securities?
2. What is the object of assessment in the evaluation of securities?
3. What data can be used by the evaluators of the prospectus?
4. What is the market value of securities?
5. What is the carrying value of the securities?
6. Specify the order of the classification of securities?
7. What is the hierarchy of the legislative and regulatory framework?
8. Does the nominal value of the securities at market value?
9. What is the decision on the issue of the prospectus?
10. Specify whether the refusal to execute the obligations certified by a security, citing the lack of Foundation of the obligation or its invalidity?
11. What is the certifying document to uncertificated equity securities?
12. What is the extract from shareholders register?
13. What rights does a fractional share, and when it appears?
14. What are the functions of the joint stock company the Board of Directors?
15. What are the main principles of corporate governance?
16. What is voluntary and obligatory offer, to whom and when it needs to be done?
17. What is the standard price, and which normative document is it defined?
18. In any legislative document defines major transactions and interested?
19. Does the presence of state shares to the value of the shares of this company?
20. What is the founding document for the company?
21. What methods of protection of the shareholders may prescribe in the company´s Charter or internal documents?
22. Is it possible to place an additional issue, if the Charter companies are no authorized shares?
23. What shares are considered to be non-voting?
24. Specify the main evaluation criteria of equity securities?
25. Specify the factors influencing the stock price?
26. Whether the payment of dividends must point in the company?
27. Give a description of the institutional investors?
28. Give the definition of minority shareholders.
29. Name all interested parties in corporate governance.
30. On the websites any information agencies interested person can find information about open joint stock company?
31. What types of income you can get from promotions?
32. The regulatory document identifies factors that affect the value of securities?
33. Specify the methods of placement of shares in accordance with Russian securities legislation?
34. What information must contain a report on the results of additional issue of ordinary shares placed by subscription?
35. What is a securities issue?
36. Who in accordance with the Federal law "On securities market" may be the Issuer?
37. What is the process of alienation of securities by the Issuer to the first owners ?
38. Under what article of the Federal law "On joint-stock companies" shareholders have the right to request information:
39. Which document the appraiser can find a description of the rights for preferred shares.
40. The regulatory document defines requirements for the examination of the report on securities?
41. What are the beneficial shareholders cumulitive voting system?
42. What kind of information the appraiser may obtain from the customer, if he is a shareholder of more than 1% of the shares.
43. What kind of documents provide the evaluator information on corporate governance in the society?
44. In the competence of authority in a JSC is a decision on a major transaction in the amount of 25-50% of the book value of assets?
45. What factors are considered during the rating of the bonds?
46. Specify the risk factors for bonds ?
47. Is it possible to write a bill a few copies?
48. Does it force acceptance of a simple signature of the payer is made on the face of the bill?
49. If we can get copies of bills?
50. What are the terms of payment of the bill allowed the bill
Additional information
In this paper, answers are given to questions about the transfer of the right to documentary and non-documentary papers, the object of valuation when valuing securities, the data that the appraiser can use from the securities prospectus, the book value and book value of securities, the order of classification of securities, the hierarchy of the legislative and regulatory framework is examined. An answer is also given to the question of how the nominal value of securities affects the market value and how the decision to issue it differs from the prospectus.
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