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MFPA test "Legal basis for appraisal activity"
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Product description
1. ... is not a requirement to the subject of appraisal activity
2. A river vessel as an object of evaluation is ...
3. When assessing an object of immovable property that is on the right of economic management of FSUE, has the right to be the customer of the assessment ...
4. Assessing is not necessary when ...
5. ... is the subject of appraisal activity
6. For a legal entity ... an appraiser (s) working (their) under an employment contract, so that the organization can enter into an appraisal agreement
7. An obligatory requirement for the appraiser is ...
8. The function of a self-regulating organization of appraisers is ...
9. Define the order of foreclosure on sources of accountability of appraisers:
10. The deviation from the concept of market value is ...
11. The contract for
Additional information
In this paper we answer questions that is not a requirement to subject of appraisal activity that is a riverboat as the object of evaluation. Who has the right to be the customer evaluation of immovable property located on the right of business FSUE when not necessarily assess the need for a legal entity ... and the evaluator, working under an employment contract, that the organization can enter into contracts, which is a requirement for the appraiser and what function self-regulatory organization of appraisers, etc.
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